Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Beauty Secrets

Beauty.  It truly is everywhere.  Our journey over the past year with Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) has really opened my eyes to the beauty in even the darkest days; in two tiny little heartbeats; in two bigger yet still so small smiling faces; in tears; in hugs; in friendship and in prayer.  

First and foremost, thank you so much for walking this path with us, you are such beautiful people! I have really enjoyed sharing this experience with you; so much so that I have decided to keep this blog going even though our battle with TTTS is over.  After all, we now have a much longer road ahead of us raising our four little blessings to become beautiful people who know, recognize, and demonstrate love while living in an imperfect world. Easier said than done, but oh so important!

When I first found out that our precious Baby A may not walk without the support of braces on her legs or that Baby B may not be able to hear fully without the support of cochlear implants my heart was crushed for them - not because they were less perfect (they are absolutely perfect!), but because of how the world will treat them.  Don’t get me wrong, I am very much at peace and content with our circumstances - incredibly grateful even - because I know we are right where God has planned for us to be.  And as imperfect as it may appear on the surface I can trust with my whole heart that what God has planned is more beautiful than what my mind can comprehend.

So they need some support; what is support? It’s just help.  And what is help? It’s compassion.  And what is compassion? It’s love.  So what exactly is there to be upset about? Nothing. 

Essentially, what my kids need is just a little extra love in their lives, but who doesn’t??  We could all use a little extra love and compassion either physically, emotionally or spiritually.  So the next time you see someone struggling with something shower them with love, compassion and acceptance.  Not one of us can survive without those three things.  We weren’t designed to! God is Love.  Out of compassion He has accepted us as His heirs and His children so that means we are love, too. It’s what we’re made up of and its what we were made to do!  

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret; we may live in an imperfect world, but that is exactly what gives us an opportunity to highlight the beauty within the imperfection.  We can do this by shining a light on the things that are beautiful which others have trouble seeing.  Help them open their eyes by being LOVE.

I’m not going to lie, sometimes I flat out don’t feel like loving everyone and everything.   I’m certainly not overly loving when there is a shark under the bed in the middle of the night or when I have a gazillion things to do and places to be and someone can’t quite get with the (aka “my”) program, but I have to remind myself that I was not really put on this earth to sleep my life away, or let myself get so busy with stuff that I don’t put people first; I was put on this earth to love.  That’s it. Its that easy and that hard all at the same time.

So please, for you, for me, for your children, and for mine, LOVE the day away and get up and do it again tomorrow and the next day and the next day...and let’s make the world a more beautiful place!




Ecclesiastes 3:11-12
He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.

Inspirational Quote:
“If you look closely at a tree you’ll notice it’s knots and dead branches, just like our bodies.  What we learn is beauty and imperfection go together wonderfully.” Matthew Fox

My Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,Thank You for this beautiful life! I'm so honored You chose me to walk this path.  Please help us spread Your love and open the eyes of those who cannot see the beauty that surrounds us all on so many levels. Send us into the world You created for us so that we may do Your work.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.